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To continue performing your notary public duties, you must renew your commission accurately and on time. This page outlines the process for renewing a Massachusetts notary commission and answers a few frequently asked questions.
To renew your commission, you must submit a renewal application that the state mails to you automatically. If you still meet Massachusetts's eligibility requirements, follow these steps to renew.
Renewal applications are automatically mailed to Massachusetts notaries five weeks before their commission expires. If you haven't received yours, contact the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth at (617) 727-2836 or email them at
Like the first time, begin filling out the application with your personal information. On page three, have a current Massachusetts notary public notarize your application. On page four, obtain signatures from four Massachusetts residents, including one who is an attorney in good standing.
Staple all four pages of your application together. Include an up-to-date copy of your resume, and if you have a business card, staple it to the upper left of the first page of the application.
When ready, mail it to:
Notary Public Office
Room 184, State House
24 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02133
In approximately 18 days, you will receive a notification in the mail confirming the approval of your application by the Governor and the Governor's Council.
Along with the notification of your appointment, you will receive directions for being sworn in and instructions on how to pay the $60 commission fee to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Once commissioned as a notary public in the state of Massachusetts, your certificate will be issued to you.
If you purchase a stamp from, email a copy of your commission to so we can create it. We will ensure your seal meets state requirements by including the following:
If you need any other supplies, such as oath stamps, gold foil labels or stamp ink, check out our supplies store.
You can also find additional commission resources in our store, such as Notary Association of America membership, errors and omissions insurance for professional liability protection and an online notary signing agent course.
The cost of renewing a Massachusetts notary commission depends on the price of a new stamp, record-keeping journal and other supplies. Visit our Massachusetts notary page for great prices on all the supplies you need for your new term!
No. Renewal applications are automatically mailed to Massachusetts notaries five weeks before their commission expires. If you haven't received yours, call (617) 727-2836.
You may apply for renewal five weeks prior to your expiration date.
No additional training is required when you renew. However, we recommend refreshing your knowledge of the state's notary laws and regulations by reviewing Chapter 222 of the General Laws, as amended by Chapter 289 of the Acts of 2016.